Reporte de Onalytica sobre Automatización y Líderes de Opinión

Onalytica es una empresa que ofrece herramientas que sirven para identificar tópicos que están actualmente dictando la dirección de las tendencias en línea. Recientemente, he sido mencionado en uno de sus reportes como un líder de opinión y persona activa en la difusión de contenido relacionado con automatización. A continuación, agrego el link del reporte así como también anexo el documento del reporte a este post.

Como contexto cabe mencionar que uno de los sistemas que he creado a lo largo de los años, de entre muchos que he hecho, es una herramienta automatizada que trabaja día a día recopilando artículos interesantes de tecnología, que después son postulados a través de mi cuenta personal en la plataforma de twitter. Por mencionar un poco de historia sobre esto, esta tendencia o gusto la empecé a tener hace ya mas de 10 años, surgió de mi atracción por leer artículos de tecnología en especial de programación, que siempre ha sido un hábito para mi, y compartir en twitter todos aquellos artículos que consideraba que realmente deberían ser divulgados para que la demás gente pudiera saber de ellos ya que tenían un nivel alto de contenido de calidad que potencialmente pudiera ayudar a la gente con sus proyectos.

En cuanto a automatización se refiere, ha sido un gusto y un skill que adquirí desde un poco antes del año 2000. Algunas cosas que me han conducido a la automatización han sido la motivación por tener sistemas que ayuden con tareas del día a día así como delegar responsabilidad de cosas que quiero hacer pero que no tengo realmente el tiempo de hacerlo.

En estos tiempos la automatización sigue siendo limitada, pero en cuanto la inteligencia artificial sigue progresando, los temas de automatización se vuelven cada vez más interesantes ya que cada vez es posible automatizar actividades más complejas intelectualmente hablando.

Por ahora, no es posible medir fácilmente el alcance que tendrá la automatización en el futuro, pero es seguro decir que es un tema que siempre estará creciendo y tomando cada vez mas actividades que alguna vez fueron solamente para humanos.

Este tema es bastante complejo y me da gusto que una empresa de la magnitud de Onalytica haya tenido la capacidad de ver el tipo de sistemas que están en el campo y medirlo de alguna manera con sus herramientas. Eso es algo que me da mucha satisfacción.

UPDATE Jul 6 2021 – Entrevista con Onalytica

Como parte del seguimiento de Onalytica he sido invitado a participar en una entrevista por parte de la compañía para dar a conocer algunos de mis puntos de vista en tópicos relacionados al desarrollo en materia de automatización. A continuación agrego el enlace a la entrevista y posteriormente una cita del post para que quede registrado aquí en el blog.

Yohan Rodriguez
Key Topics: Automation
Location: Mexico

Yohan Rodríguez is a software developer, book/article writer, researcher and blogger with nearly 20 years of experience in computer science. He received his education at the University of Sonora with a Master’s in Computer and Information Sciences and a Doctorate Degree in Nanotechnology. He also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. He is passionate about coding, science research and chess. Yohan is always looking for interesting problems to solve. He understands that developing robust solutions requires continuous learning and self improvement. He currently works remotely as a consultant for a company that is based in USA and he lives in Hermosillo, Mexico with his wife and two young children.

How did you get to become an expert in your key topics?
One of the jobs I had in an early stage of my career was related to the automotive manufacturing industry. I had the opportunity to work as a traceability engineer developing software that enabled the user to trace the manufacturing history using an item id and identifying possible production process problems. In that job I was exposed to the development of automation mechanisms not only for data but also for physical processes by using PLC devices and a variety of sensors. After that interesting experience, the idea that automation can greatly improve productivity grew in my mind as a key concept to optimise processes. I then started developing personal systems to improve personal processes. The majority of these systems are private and they were developed to improve productivity. These systems have gone from desktop setup systems up to mobile systems to automate multiple daily tasks. API automation and even social networks postings are also part of this development.

What sub-topics are you most passionate about?
Software development, cloud services and mobile automation.

Who influences you within these topics?
I follow many developers who are key persons in the software development industry. For cloud services I always try to keep updated by following key companies engineering blogs and for mobile automation I mostly follow which pretty much covers lots of automation software and its the creator of Tasker which is one of the platforms I use for automation. They all are influential to me in some way.

What challenges are brands facing in this space?
Companies often have the challenge to connect the physical processes and link them with the data and the software part of things. This topic has to do with having multi disciplines in each of the areas of implementation. They struggle to find a way to ensure that communication between engineering departments is good. And that they can talk and understand each other.

What do you think the future holds in this space?
Automation is always growing. More and more companies are implementing API’s in their systems to allow external systems to connect and automate all kind of tasks. I believe that in the future hardware and software are going to be more and more integrated and API’s will be a must have feature for company products. There is also an area that hopefully will have more attention which is CyberSecurity which is very important due of the nature of automation and physical processes.

What brands are leading the way in this space?
My personal point of view is that for physical process automation and tools the companies that lead the market are Mitsubishi, Siemens, Honeywell or Rockwell among others. In the software space I would say that IFTTT is doing great efforts to connect multiple services and offer an easy layer for users to interact with, but this efforts would not be possible without the API development of the companies offering the services.

If a brand wanted to work with you, which activities would you be most interested in collaborating on?
Article writing, research and/or implementation of some sort of automation mechanisms to alleviate manual processes.

What are your passions outside of work?
Server configuration and data management.

What would be the best way for a brand to contact you?
Using any of my social networks, my blog site or by email.

-Enjoy 🙂

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